I love the internet! I use it to connect with friends and family, to find recipes, to do research for my books, to swap critiques with all my writing buddies, and to hunt for a literary agent. Without it, I'd be totally isolated on this little rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
But now, my dear friends, the internet is in trouble.
Congress is right now considering the PIPA bill, which will give the GOVERNMENT the power to SHUT DOWN YOUR ENTIRE SITE if they think you OR ANYONE YOU LINK TO infringes on someone's copyright. This will not stop piracy as the bill's advocates claim. Pirates are smart. They will find a way. The people in trouble are people like us, who value the free exchange of ideas. People who enjoy youtube and facebook. People who don't want internet censorship like they have in China and Iran.
Here are some of the people against the bill: the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries, Center for Democracy and Technology, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Human Rights Watch, and Public Knowledge.
Who is for it? The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), Microsoft, the Copyright Alliance, and the National Cable and Telecommunications Association.
Who's side are you on?
Click here to join the fight! Let congress know you're thankful for the internet.
PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
CONTEST PART 2: Hurricane Season TRIPLE Book Launch Give-Away!

We're going to sweeten the prize line up by adding a signed copy of E. M. Tippetts's first novel, Time and Eternity, to the booty.
And don't forget all our other great prizes! Free e-book copy of Sue Quinn's Open Minds, free e-book copy of Elizabeth Mueller's Darkspell, art prints by Rachel Bayless and Jonene Ficklin, and the Perfect Storm movie poster.
To enter, leave a comment on either this post or the previous Hurricane Season Book Launch Give-Away post. You can earn extra entries too:
Join this blog if not already a follower (+1 entry).
Mention our Hurricane Season Double Book Launch Give-Away on your favorite social media networks (facebook, twitter, google+) and include a link to this blog post (+1 entry per each).
Blog or post about one of our book launches and include a link to the websites:
E.M. Tippets Paint Me True Website: http://www.emtippetts.com
Sue Quinn's Mindjack Trilogy Website: http://www.mindjacktrilogy.com/p/media-kit.html
Elizabeth Mueller's Darkspell Website: http://AuthorElizabethMueller.com
(+1 entry per each)
Contest officially closes at midnight EST on November 30th. Winners will be announced on Dec 1 (after I get up in the morning. Give me some time, the sun rises late out here in the middle of the Pacific).
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