Wednesday, October 31, 2012

National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) starts tomorrow.

The goal is to complete a 50,000 word novel in one month, which works out to writing approximately 1666.66 words each day (or a little more if you take weekends off). It's wild, it's crazy, you get to watch your progress - as well as that of your writing buddies, and more people are joining each year.

Here is their website:

If you're interested, check it out.

If you're wondering who in the world would be loco enough to do this, check it out.

If you always wanted to write a book and are feeling a sugar high or Halloween mania, drink some spider cider and sign up. You never know what might happen - maybe you'll get your happy ending . . .

And for everyone who is doing it this month, here's a shout out for you!

Go! Go! Go!


  1. Me, too, Susan. I love the motivation and support. : )

  2. If we aren't loco now, we will be!

  3. On Halloween night some of my writers club girls were over at my house, counting down the hours until midnight and NaNo! Have fun everyone!

    1. Now that's a true writer's party, Rebecca! I wish everyone there the best of luck with NaNo.

  4. I'm loosely doing it, too, but my really-real deadline is more like Christmas. :) Go go NaNo!

    1. Good for you, Amber! Progress is good, and you have to set goals you know you can realistically accomplish.


What be on yer mind?